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Sample Horse Photos

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Rider Jumping
Rider Jumping 

"This is favorite of a close friend who is an excellent equestrienne busy training over hurdles. My challenge was to capture it all while they were 'in the air'."

Horse and Rider
Kickin Up Some Dust 

"What I especially like about this photo is the form of rider and horse. This is 'post-jump' and you can see both the concentration and surrounding dust from a good workout."

Horse and Rider Turning
Horse and Rider Turning 

"Here we have horse and rider in a collected canter rounding the turn. You can see the 'prance like' quality of the horse's gait. I especially like to capture horses that are enjoying their ride and this photo is an obvious example."

Horse and Rider
Horse and Rider 

"Here's another nice portrait after a workout. Horse and rider were both tired, and while you would expect my friend to pose for the camera, clearly, the horse realized he was the center of attention and gave me one of his best smiles."

Horse/Rider Portrait
Horse/Rider Portrait 

"Here is a different horse and rider. I'm attracted to the bond between a horse and rider, at least those where you can see they really enjoy each other. It's a romance of a different kind between the powerful beast and we little humans that is synergistic and 'warms the soul'."

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